Friday, December 30, 2011

Escape from Zarahemla

I have been a fan of the tennis shoe books since the start. The last in the group have seemed to lose some of the magic. This is the 2nd book in a new story the author started that also used time travel to Book of Mormon times.
Not to give too much away but at the end of this book he basically joins the two story's. Making what was in the last Tennis shoes book even more crowded with almost 15 plot lines if I guess right.
In his authors notes at the end he tells the reader that if you have not read the other 11 books in the other series then you need to in order to get the full story and flavor of the next book which is a sequel to both story lines...not sure how I felt about that.
If you love Tennis shoes and like the first Zarahemla book then read this...if not then you can skip it and pick up book 12 without much problem I would think since all the story lines are hard to keep straight any way.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Life of Our Lord

This was never meant to be published or read by others. Dickens wrote this to his children.
It is written not only to his children but for their level of understanding. A fathers simple testimony to explain to those he loves about something he feels very important and close to him.
His approach is wonderful yet simple.
I enjoyed this read.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Story of The Other Wise Man and The Mansion

I have added this book with another by the same author Henry Van Dyke.
These are great Christmas stories.
I have not read these story's before but know them.
Again the written word surpass any other treatment that I have seen.

I think these will be the start of a new tradition of reading in December along with Christmas Carol

Friday, December 9, 2011

Beyond the 7 Habits

As I have stated before on here...I really enjoy Stephen Covey.
This was not really a book but a 4 disc audio of a day long seminar he gave.
The ideas are not new if you have read more than one of his books, but there was some new ideas presented.
His insight into leadership is not unquie but us still refreshing.
If you enjoy 7 Habits this is a good listen and refresher, if not then I would pass.

begin where you are

I really did not like this book. I thought it was going to be advice and help on how to deal with Family members that are Less active in the Church. Turns out it seemed to just be story after story about less active family members and how good people they still are etc.
While I agree people are good even if they don't go to Church I just expected more from a book with this title.
I feel for the author and others mentioned in the book and their family situations.
One thing I saw in story after story that was mentioned in the book is that each circumstance is different and requires it's own for that knowledge it was worth the read.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Christmas Carol

This is the first time I have ever read this book cover to cover. I was very glad I took the time. I have seen almost every show or stage play based on this book (Bill Murry is the best to watch while George C Scott is the truest how I envision the character)
The book has such minute details that add so much to the story that I think I will read it every December.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Faith: The Essence of True Religon

This is a collection of talks that were given over the years by Gordon B Hinckley.
It covers a range of topics and I enjoyed every one.
I miss hearing Pres Hinckley speak and reading this book had the same ease with words I have come to expect when i would listen to him.
I fully recommend this book.